Who is the local SEO experts in Brisbane and what exactly is local SEO anyway?
This is the art and the science of promoting the website of a, usually small, local business in Brisbane to the top spot in Google for their relevant, targeted keyword phrases.
This is done using the following specific tactics:
Link building: Participating in forums and including a link back to the website being promoted in the signature is a good way to achieve this. Also using various social media web 2.0 sites as will be described in detail below.
The ideal goal here is to create such great, useful content on your website that people from other websites want to link to it, thus providing you with free, contextual backlinks with no extra effort aside from writing the original content in the first place.
Things to avoid in this category would be paid, spammy, reciprocal links which may or may not be somewhat effective in the short run, but disastrous and counter productive in the long run.
Social Media Web 2.0: These include websites such as Facebook, Vox, Multiply, etc where you can post blogs of your own and upload text content, photos and videos all of which can link back to your site as well as provide internal traffic themselves.
Just as important though a bit different in nature are sites such as Twitter, Indenti, et al that provide more of a brief ‘tweet’ or status update usually in 140 characters or less. Once again able to generate backlinks to your website and more importantly can be set up to promote your site through branding and building customer relationships.
Video: YouTube is second only to Google itself (who owns the service now by the way) in terms of traffic and searches so this is a key component to this sort of marketing. Uploading and promoting videos describing you or your service can generate a lot of targeted leads for your business.
That is how SEO Experts Brisbane gets the edge in SEO strategies.